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Working with Mask


  • If you wish to wear a mask, then we will also wear one.

  • Please use the anti-bacterial gel available on-entry to the store.

  • Please use a card or contactless method for payment where possible.

  • Most importantly, we ask that you please do not visit our shop if you or anyone in your household is displaying symptoms of COVID-19.



Delivery & Installation


You will be delighted to know that we are able to offer a delivery service. We are able to enter your home providing we all follow the social distancing guidelines. We always have masks, gloves and hand sanitizer with us. If possible we ask if you can be in another room whilst the installation takes place.



If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01295 259859, or email





Blinkhorns makes reservations in regards to the information displayed on this site. Prices, product information and stock availability is subject to change without notice. Displayed products are for information purposes only and are therefor not always in stock in-store.

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